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We are delighted to open places for our online Introduction to Photography course which we're offering at €80. It is open to anyone over the age of 18, and given that it is an online course, you can join from anywhere (although the practical session is run only in our local region of County Meath/Louth).


Our 8-week Zoom-based course starts from the 23 January at 8 pm and each weekly session (Tuesday evenings) lasts between 60-90 minutes. Covering a wide and comprehensive range of topics, we invite participants to also join a leaners WhatsApp group, we manage where learners can post questions, post images for critiques and senior members of the club can offer immediate support and advice. We also invite participants to contribute to the website Forum where again, they can ask questions and advice of other members.




Module 1 (23 January): Composition

We'll detail what makes a strong composition and cover concepts such as rules of third, leading lines, triangles, etc.


Module 2 (30 January): Exposure Settings

Includes aperture, shutter speed, ISO and how these impact the image, how to manage the settings etc.


Module 3 (6 February): Metering

Includes an introduction to cameras and lenses, light meters in cameras, middle grey, zoning systems, patter, spot or centre weighted exposure and discuss the exposure triangle. 


Module 4 (13 February): Focus, Cameras & Portraits

We'll review the assignments and offer feedback. We'll also cover topics around manual v auto focus, depth of field, hyperfocal distance. We'll also cover portraits and environment portraits, portrait lenses and bokeh.


Module 5 (20 February): Lenses & Street Photography

Includes an in-depth look at lenses covering prime, zoom, wide angle, telephoto, macro, shift lenses and standard.


Module 5A (Saturday 24 February): Practical Session

We will invite you to participate in a practical session where you will meet your tutor and other participants, to demonstrate and practice camera use and settings. Details to follow but the session will be local to Drogheda.


Module 6 (27 February): An Introduction to Processing Images

An introduction to processing images using free software as well as Photoshop. 


Module 7 (5 March): Flash

When and how to use flash, on-camera pop-up flash, speed-lights, studio flash - basically everything you need to know.


Module 8 (12 March): Landscapes

Included use of tripods and filters. We'll present examples of good landscape photography and explain how the images were captured.


If you're interested in learning more about photography, we'd welcome you to learn with us. Please contact Chris via email or telephone +353 (0)86 381 2460 to register a place.


All participants must be over the age of 18.

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